Lager – A mirror of lost humanity in EUrope

Refugees who arrive in Thuringia are usally taken to an Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung. This ist currently the so called „Lager“ in Suhl. It is organized by the Landesverwaltungsamt Thuringia. The Lager-Watch Thuringia activist Behnam Blumengarten reports from the inner life shaped by racism, which destroys many hopes.

Germany is a unique country in many ways, a large and populous country with a very strong infrastructure. A European industrial giant with a turbulent history. A place of great literature, poets and philosophy especially since the 18th century and with mostly friendly people.
In recent years, especially since 2015 and the long summer of migration, Germany has made a special contribution to taking in refugees and granting refuge to those seeking protection. Compared to some other EUropean countries, such as Denmark or Norway, Germany was more open to those seeking protection when it came to organizing the reception of those seeking protection.
In Germany, a very large percentage of people with migration or refugee experience now work and pay taxes. Although there are injustices in the German asylum system, the basis of German law is that those seeking protection can enter the community and try to integrate into German society.
But in addition to some understandable regulations for those seeking protection, there are major deficiencies in the reception system and in the initial reception Lager, which in other parts of the country can nullify all government efforts, just like a non-lactating cow that throws away all the milk. The Lager in Germany are often run by contractors and the private sector, who are very racist towards those seeking protection. The employees in the Lager place practically no value on basic and human rights and see most of the arrivals as mean and criminal. For example, the security forces and camp guards, who are only responsible for guarding and protecting the residents, are strongly xenophobic and racist.

When people are born in the Middle East, when they have escaped the bloody war and dictatorship of their own country, they turn to the countries that promote those human rights in the world in the hope of freedom and respect for human rights and to claim the right to life. The demand for respect for human rights has been heard in the Western media for years. That is why people who are looking for humanity and freedom and flee from wars and dictatorships searching for protection in EUrope. Why else do refugees often not seek humanity and refuge in Saudi Arabia or other Arab countries? Because a lot of these countries are dictatorial and have no understanding of human rights. No one who has to flee expects them to respect human rights, but hopes that they will in the West and in Germany.

But a person who arrives in Germany seeking protection is sent to a Lager where there is no trace of basic human rights. Where different mentalities have to live together in one room. The supply and food delivery system is extremely degrading and inadequate. Above all, the behavior of the staff in the camp, especially the security service, is racist and degrading. This behavior marks the first racist encounters and experiences of those seeking protection with Germans and thus has a decisive influence on their lives because it can determine their own future attitudes.
Now imagine a Syrian Arab refugee fleeing war and massacres, an Iranian fleeing flogging, torture, imprisonment and public execution, or Afghans fleeing the primitive and medieval rule of the Taliban flee, and they come to Germany with a thousand hopes and aspirations to attain freedom, security, and therefore respect for their rights as human beings. The first place they are sent is the inhumane situation of the Lager and the first German they see is a racist security guard who disregards human rights. You can see with your own eyes that human rights play no role here and that no value is placed on respect for human dignity…! And everything you read and heard about humanity in Europe is a lie. In the words of the poet: People build palaces in their dreams. But they lost them when they arrived.

I believe that the first thing that people who seek protection are sent to the Lager upon arrival and who have to deal with such behaviors, realize is that there are no human rights and human dignity in this place.

I believe that this racist behavior in EUropean countries can start a dangerous spark in the minds of some. For example, if you look closely at the background of people who have fled or migrated and who have committed crimes, you come to the fact that the racist system of the government, by insulting and discriminating against those seeking protection, can turn them into criminals.
People are also often fleeing countries and religious dictatorships that have spent their lives hammering religion and dogmatic ideologies into their heads, on television, radio, at school and at work. Now they have come to Germany. Hoping for a touch of freedom and human dignity, and upon their arrival, the first German they see is a camp guard. And this guard is a misanthropic racist with a history as a self-confessed neo-Nazi. It is incomprehensible to me why the German system allows a well-known racist and neo-Nazi to work in such a sensitive position with newcomers. Apparently the government is leaving the Lager and security to private contractors to make their job easier. But private companies are only interested in business and more income.

On October 22, 2021, me and others were racially insulted and threatened by the security service of the camp in Suhl. The security guard wanted to attack me. We complained about this security service and posted the video of the conflict on YouTube, which led to two MPs taking an interest in the issue and asking the responsible ministry in the Thuringian state parliament about the racist behavior of the Lager security. So far the result has not been impressive, but it has had an impact. Unfortunately, after only four weeks, the racist security guard returned to the same previous security service in the camp and the contract with the security company has not yet been questioned. But I hope that the Parliament will take a more serious decision on this issue and dissolve the whole camp system, which is more like a prison system, so that those seeking protection can live in apartments in a humane and independent manner. For our own safety and respect for our own privacy. People who work with people seeking protection should receive the necessary training, knowledge of respecting human rights and human dignity and be fundamentally sensitized to the topics of war and displacement, flight and migration. This is not only good for everyone who arrives, but also crucial for everyone in this country on the way to a common future.

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